Our Ministry

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The Society of St. Andrew was formed 45 years ago in 1979 as an intentional community of two families called to life and ministry together in Christ. It has grown into an ecumenical, non-profit, charitable organization dedicated to leading others into lives of Christian community and service.

Since our founding in 1979, the Society of St. Andrew has worked to fulfill the mandate of the Gospel in our lives by striving to adhere to the words of 1 John 3:18: Let us love not only in words, but in deed and in truth.

The mission of the Society of St. Andrew is to introduce people to God’s grace in Jesus Christ through meeting their hungers:

Food For The Body

For the past 41 years, since 1983, the Society of St. Andrew has salvaged fresh, nutritious produce from American farms – produce that otherwise would be left to rot – and delivered it to agencies across the nation that serve the poor.

God has called us to do this work. In Deuteronomy 15, it says, Since there will never cease to be some in need on the Earth, I therefore command you, Open your hand to the poor and needy neighbor in your land.

Gleaning America’s Fields ~ Feeding America’s Hungry – that is what the Society of St. Andrew does. We do it simply, and we do it more effectively and far more efficiently than any other hunger relief organization. Learn about out hunger relief programs:

  • Gleaning Network
  • Potato & Produce Project
  • Harvest of Hope

God’s Word For The Heart

The founders of the Society of St. Andrew sought a lifestyle that honored God while serving others. A major component of the ministry since its beginning has been to provide spiritual nourishment to others through God’s Word. We find our mandate for Gleaning America’s Fields ~ Feeding America’s Hungry in scripture. But just as important as feeding hungry bodies is the need to feed hungry souls.

As recorded in 2 Timothy 3:16-17, all Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It straightens us out and teaches us to do what is right. It is God’s way of preparing us in every way, fully equipped for every good thing God wants us to do.

Throughout the scriptures, God makes clear that those who have been blessed with plenty should share their abundance with those who do not have enough. We believe that if the people of God who today make up the church take seriously God’s commands, and truly follow Jesus’ example, no one in any neighborhood of America would ever experience hunger. That is why we seek to educate others about hunger and poverty while reminding them of the Biblical imperative to feed the hungry.

Community of Love For The Spirit

The Society of St. Andrew builds Christian community. We do this by bringing people together in service to God and in service to others.

Jesus made it very clear that his followers are supposed to be in ministry to and with the poor. For instance, at Luke 14:12-14 we learn that Jesus was at a dinner: Then he turned to his host. When you put on a luncheon or a dinner, he said, don’t invite your friends, brothers, relatives, and rich neighbors. For they will repay you by inviting you back. Instead, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind. Then at the resurrection of the godly, God will reward you for inviting those who could not repay you.

People from all denominations and organizations participate actively in our ministry by making financial contributions, by gleaning with us, and through their prayers. Persons of many faiths and perspectives partner with us in the desire to give of themselves to feed the hungry.

Opportunity For Those Who Desire Action

The Christian faith leads its adherents to action. James 1:22 admonishes followers to: But be doers of the word, and not merely hearers who deceive themselves.

Hunger is a complex and many-faceted tragedy that holds a large part of the world’s family in bondage. Because of the scope of hunger, many of us feel there is nothing that one person can do. We think the tragedy is too massive for one person’s action to be effective. Such is not the case. Each of us can make an impact on behalf of our hungry brothers and sisters.

The Society of St. Andrew believes that all of us working together can eliminate world hunger, beginning by ending hunger in America.