Are you an Active or Retired Federal Employee?
You can make a difference in the mission to end hunger with your annual charitable pledges through the Combined Federal Campaign.
All you have to do is select #12046 as your charity of choice when choosing your charitable pledges.
Click here to select # 12046 as your charity pledge now.
Your donation helps hungry people receive fresh, nutritious produce – something they can’t easily afford, but desperately need.
Thank you for your support! Every 3¢ donated provides 1 serving of food. That means a $1 donation provides 35 servings of food for a family in need. And a $12 donation is enough to feed a family their recommended servings of fruits and veggies for an entire month.
We encourage you to use the Society of St. Andrew Gleaning Network to share this food with those families because through the Gleaning Network, every $1 provides 35 servings of food.
Our highly skilled teams leverage numerous partnerships to stretch your dollar, to maximize your impact. Each year we calculate the reach of your support and, on average, you help share nutritious farm-fresh food with families in need at a cost of $0.09 per pound. That’s much cheaper than buying that same food off the grocery shelves!
Responsible stewardship of your gifts is a part of our commitment to you. For every $1 you put into the mission to end hunger, 96¢ goes directly into rescuing food and delivering it to communities and families who need it the most. Tens of thousands volunteers serve to help us reach more families, in more communities, while keeping expenses as low as possible.
When you support the Society of St. Andrew, you are joining the mission as a partner to ensure that people in this country have access to an adequate supply of good, fresh food.
The expense associated with transportation is just one of the many reasons why we try to keep the food as local as possible. Often, food is delivered to families within 24 hours of being harvested or gleaned from the fields. It doesn’t get much fresher than that! And often these families live in neighboring counties and regions.
Millions of women, children, seniors, veterans, and hard-working individuals routinely go without eating fresh fruits and vegetables because they cannot afford it. Make the choice today to help make it possible to share something delicious and nutritious with those people.
If you have questions or would like to learn more, please call 800-333-4597. We would be delighted to answer your questions so you can begin making a difference in your local community today.