Reduce Waste. End Hunger.

Get Involved:  DonorsVolunteersFarmersDistribution Agencies

Gleaning Image

The Society of St. Andrew brings people together to harvest and share healthy food, reduce food waste, and build caring communities by offering nourishment to hungry neighbors.

Measuring Impact

In 2024, through August:

SoSA has gleaned, gathered, and distributed 12,697,849 pounds of fresh produce in 3,311 events, with 8,491 volunteers.

Food donated by 575 farmers has been distributed to hungry people through 1,340 feeding agencies.

That's a total of 50,791,396 servings of fresh food shared.

Pounds of food already wasted in the U.S. this year: Calculating ...
This waste happens in the fields, transportation, supermarkets, restaurants, and homes.


By choosing to work with SoSA, you’re partnering with tens of thousands of farmers, donors, volunteers, churches, community organizations, and even large national movements. The strength of the SoSA network is found in its partners— in each individual that makes a commitment to harvesting and sharing good food with their neighbors in need.

Feds Feed Families Logo CFC
Disciples Volunteers
Move For Hunger - SoSA Partner
SoSA and SPI partner in SoSA's Seed Project Week of Compassion Translation Services - Social Mission



I have enjoyed working with SOSA for about two years now to feed the hungry in our community. The SoSA volunteers are always kind, gracious, and so appreciative of the help we can offer. I have been blessed by the opportunity to with them. – BOSMOM

SoSA is one of the best charities that we, as a family, have volunteered in. The organizers are extremely personable and down-to-earth people. Children are not only accommodated but their participation is valued. – TASKEEN

Volunteering with SoSA has truly been a blessing. They unselfishly give of their time and talents to help the hungry. If they could see the tears of joy that falls from the faces of senior citizens, widows, hospice, and the working poor, who needed food but did not have the means to purchase any, yet the SOSA team is in action freely distributing food. – TIDEWATERGLEANING

Gleaning events are hands-on and inter-generational, and the Harvest of Hope programs are longer sessions that include spiritual and educational components. I love the annual Christmas “donor cards” with their unique and inspirational art. I always look for ways to promote and support SoSA. – JASNC

We at South Austin Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) financially support The Society of St. Andrew. We enjoy the uplifting devotionals they give to us at no cost for participating in their seasonal programs. We are looking forward to giving to this worthy cause again! – SOUTH AUSTIN CHRISTIAN CHURCH

A wonderful organization! Their concept of harvesting fresh, perfectly good, nutritious food that would otherwise go to waste is awesome. I participated in a gleaning weekend a few years ago and loved it. Have been a regular supporter since. – MARDE

For three decades now, I have personally supported this organization. Doesn’t it make all the sense in the world to save good food that would otherwise be thrown away, and take it to hungry people? There’s no reason for hunger in the USA. There IS enough food for everyone. The challenge is to distribute it. And that’s what they do. – JDEVINE18

Volunteering with The Society of St. Andrew for the past 8 years has been wonderful. It is amazing to see the difference being made by this organization. They are starting in our local communities and changing the world! – ASHLEY J.


Charity Accreditations

You can give, serve, learn, and lead through The Society of St. Andrew (SoSA) with confidence. With more than 40 years of experience and a steadfast commitment to accountability and transparency, SoSA is the kind of nonprofit that you can trust to help you make a lasting impact in your community.



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