Andrew Benjamin has filed 50,000 tax returns. Andrew loves preparing returns to help other people.
At the Society of St. Andrew, we know Andrew Benjamin as a member of our Board of Directors. He flies from Minnesota to the hills of Virginia twice a year to meet with other board members and help guide the work of feeding the hungry. Now the world knows Andrew as the man who helps others in the way he knows best. His story was recently carried on KARE-TV in Minneapolis – see that story below. After that, the story was picked up and aired nationally on the NBC Evening News. You’ll see why. It’s a story that will lift your spirits, maybe even make your day.
Thank you, Andrew. We appreciate what you do for SoSA. And now we appreciate what you do, and have done for the past 35 years, for so many others.
This photo shows Andrew relentlessly carrying bags of potatoes to a staging area. Andrew and the rest of the Board of Directors worked at a potato drop held in 2016 when we all recognized Executive Director Mike Waldmann as he retired from SoSA. More than 40,000 pounds of potatoes were bagged up that day and put onto feeding agency trucks and trailers.