The Land of Misfit Produce

By Jean Blish Siers *

This time of year, when Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer seems to be everywhere, I hear a lot of discussion about The Island of Misfit Toys. For those who have been living in a vacuum for the past 55 years, in the 1964 TV movie based on the song, Rudolph and his friends, fleeing the Abominable Snow Monster, end up on an island filled with not-quite-perfect toys. The toys live on the island until they can find ...

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Receiving a Windfall!

By Jean Blish Siers *

Jean Siers with a windfall fruit.A couple weeks ago, I received a windfall. If you think a distant relative left me a fortune, you would be, in a word, wrong! “Windfall” has two meanings, and in the gleaning world, they feel closely related. It can mean an unexpected and unearned gain (like that vast fortune I did not receive); and it also means a fruit – apple, orange, ...

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Potatoes, Praise, and a Few Answered Prayers …

This potato drop didn’t have the smoothest start, but through people working together and a few answered prayers, it had a perfect ending.

Jessica Fitzgerald of the Presbytery of Eastern Virginia served on the team that organized this event. She shares, “The truck with the potatoes was an hour late. There was a 30% chance of rain. Over 100 volunteers showed up, but since the potatoes had not arrived, some were restless and left. When potatoes arrived, we unloaded two pallets, ...

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Hunger Doesn’t Take a Holiday

By Jean Blish Siers *

World Food DayWalking into my local Costco a couple weeks ago, I realized Christmas had arrived, with trees, cards, gift-wrap and bows! Whole aisles of toys replaced the gardening supplies and back-to-school lunchboxes and backpacks. Which would be fine, I guess, if it hadn’t been September. And 95 degrees outside. And if we weren’t skipping Halloween and Thanksgiving in our rush to get to Christmas.  For me, it ...

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It’s Not Always Fast, But It’s Worth It


Sarah graduated from high school this year, but has been involved in mission work as long as she can remember. When she’s not serving, she’s often fundraising for future mission opportunities. She says, “Missions are just sort of a family affair. My parents are involved. My brother and sister help out. Even my aunt, who lives next door, is involved in lots of mission opportunities as well.”

Five years ago, Sarah attended a mission trip through the Society of St. Andrew ...

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Opening the Door for the Crossroads Food Pantry to Grow …


Sharon was tired and frustrated. Starting in 2007, she dedicated seven years of her life to volunteering at a local food pantry called the Crossroads Distribution Center. As for many non-profits, times were tough. Funding was drying up, and along with it, their ability to serve the community. In 2015, the pantry reached its breaking point and the leaders made the difficult decision to close the pantry.

But Sharon said there were too many struggling people in the community to quit. So in ...

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