Opening the Door for the Crossroads Food Pantry to Grow …


Sharon was tired and frustrated. Starting in 2007, she dedicated seven years of her life to volunteering at a local food pantry called the Crossroads Distribution Center. As for many non-profits, times were tough. Funding was drying up, and along with it, their ability to serve the community. In 2015, the pantry reached its breaking point and the leaders made the difficult decision to close the pantry.

But Sharon said there were too many struggling people in the community to quit. So in ...

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Adjusting our Perspectives

By Jean Blish Siers *

Bad ProductFirst she did a little hip-hop twerk, and then easily moved into a graceful plié. We were discussing her dance class as we gleaned our way through about fifteen rows of blackberries. Most of the other kids from her youth group had given up – it was hot and humid and the fun had worn off for them – but this sparkling, almost 10-year-old was sticking with it.

After ...

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The Inside Matters Most

By Jean Blish Siers *

WatermelonsI have a small scar on my neck where a very talented surgeon did a biopsy more than twenty years ago. She told me, drawing a line with a pen, “I’m going to cut right here because as you age, that line will just become a wrinkle anyway and the scar will be invisible.” That wasn’t a lot of comfort. Not only was I worried about my health ...

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One Special Spud …


You’d be surprised to learn what a potato can do; it can clean silver, grow roses, and even power a clock. One pound of seed potatoes can grow up to ten pounds of potatoes!

Concord United Methodist Church in Knoxville, Tennessee has seen the power within a simple potato. For years, Concord has been the host for a seed potato drop in Eastern Tennessee. A load of seed potatoes is delivered to the church ...

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If Food Waste Were a Country

By Jean Blish Siers *

“If food waste were a country, it would be the world’s third-largest emitter of CO2, after China and the United States. In our nation alone, we throw away 63 million tons of food a year, even as 40 million Americans are considered food insecure,” states a recent article in the Washington Post. It’s a dramatic opening to an article with an intriguing premise ...

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The Luxury of Fresh Produce

By Jean Blish Siers *

I’m a sucker for certain types of Internet “click bait,” those headlines written solely to drive traffic to a page. I skip most (not all) videos of funny cats, but if I see a headline that says, “The 10 Things You Should Always Buy at Trader Joe’s,” I’m there! And of course the other day I clicked on, “The Items You Should Never Buy at Costco.”

There is a Costco near my house and I’m typically there ...

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